Once your marketplace integrations are set up, you can begin listing items for sale! Click and select any asset(s) you are looking to list in “Collection”, then click on the highlighted “Sell Selected” or "Manage Listing" button to be directed to the Sell screen.
There, you can set your listing price(s), your Minimum Acceptable Offer, descriptions, and images, and decide which marketplaces to list your item(s). You can also set custom pricing across different marketplaces to adjust for commission rates and fee structures assessed by the marketplaces. Once you're ready to list, scroll to the bottom of the screen and select "Confirm Bulk Listing."
Once you select "Confirm Bulk Listing", a "Listing Progress" screen will pop up to give you visibility of each listing across all marketplaces.
Once the items are completed, click "Back to Collection." Your active listings will appear under "Active Listings" in the upper left-hand corner of the "Collection" screen. You can manage your listings and see direct links to each there!